New Address Book sync options in 10.5.3

Apple recently released 10.5.3 update for Leopard. One of the updates I’m excited about is the ability to sync Address Book with Google and Yahoo!. If you want to set up a sync with Yahoo!, view this page For Google, visit this page The only problem I found so far is with Google and contacts…

Our Flickr gallery

I finally got our Flickr account set up. At first I was having trouble with how to configure it. We both have Yahoo! accounts but if one of us will have the Flickr account, it would mean one of use would have to keep logging in and out of our accounts while browsing between Flickr…

Photo Gallery disabled

We are currently using Phanfare as our online photo gallery. They have been great for the 1+ years we’ve been with them. They have unlimited storage, allow full quality photos, we have access to the original files, and video uploads. Recently, they upgraded my account over to their new version 2.0. My biggest complaint is…


Hey Everyone! I have shared my story when I passed the test back in Jan this yr. I noticed that in most forums they really discouraged forming a group base on race, as reasonable as it is, sometimes we would still want to talk specifically to somebody who we can relate to. I am…

Piclens supports video

I’ve been using Piclens for a couple of weeks now and it’s amazing. It takes photos from your website and turn it in to a 3D gallery for viewing. I recently got an update message for my Firefox browser. I updated the plugin and viewed the Piclens page again. This time their demo includes video….