Nokia N80 + GPRS + my MBP = internet where there’s T-Mobile service
Since getting my new N80ie I wanted to see how I can access the internet while I’m away from home or work. I googled and got many results that helped me setup my MacBook Pro and my N80ie. It pretty much uses T-Mobile’s T-ZoneWeb service and you can use your laptop’s IR or bluetooth to connect to the phone. Once connected, the laptop instructs the phone to use GPRS to connect to the internet. I was not restricted to just WAP sites, I was able to view many different sites – even my site. Speed is great considering I’m using my cell phone as a modem. Here is my results when I did a speed test…
I’ve heard stories that people successfully played WoW with a latency of 1,500, impressive. Can’t wait when 3G technology is fully implemented, it will even be faster and hopefully affordable.
Here’s a summary of how it works Instructions and drivers also vary from phone to phone and carrier to carrier. Here’s the driver for the bluetooth modem for Nokia 3G enabled phones.
Remember that results may vary and that your carrier may changed their plans so just be aware of that.