Hey Everyone! I have shared my story when I passed the test back in Jan this yr.
I noticed that in most forums they really discouraged forming a group base on race, as reasonable as it is, sometimes we would still want to talk specifically to somebody who we can relate to. I am dedicating this page for those who will be taking their Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Exam who are Filipino and who would want to share their experience or perhaps for those who may have some inquiries. Feel free to help anybody or blog about your experience. My goal here is not to discriminate rather than to support those who are having difficulty getting information. Hopefully I can help in my own little way as well as those who will be blogging and visiting this site.
I have shared my experience to this site since I myself took the FPGEE too last Dec 2007. We have a group in LA (all Filipino) that help each other to make the review easier. Its not a formal review with a guideline of what to discuss per week but nevertheless it has been most helpful. There are some who made a comment already after I posted my experience back in January, but really the reason why I had that post is chiefly to share how I am feeling at that time I got the result. But now, I am opening this to help our kababayans who will be on the same process. I am studying now for my TOEFL, hopefully everything will turn out good so I can start my internship already here in CA.
Some Books I suggest you read before taking the test: 1. Comprehensive Pharmacy Review by Leon Shargel- this is a great book but I think it is not enough to use alone for the FPGEE, as the title says this is a review so there may be some topic in which you have to browse to the basics again. But if everything is still fresh on your mind then it would be easier to study this. In my case, I graduated 10 years ago so, there are things that I forgot already that didn’t stop me from my goal of being a pharmacist. So I supplemented other materials for the test. 2. Manan Shroff- I bought the whole set 5 books and cds. I will say that it is a good supplement but start with other material first since there is quite a number of errors in this book. Thus, if you have prepared well already you will be familiar with those irregularities. Generally, there is still a lot you can learn from this book. I know somebody who passed the test, she took a risk and just used this material. The main purpose of her taking the test is just to familiarize herself. Risky but she made it. I wouldn’t suggest it though. It is still better to be prepared in a battle. The Pharmacy Management and Pharmacoeconomics are really important as well for the afternoon part of the test. 3. Dr Dutta Pharmacy review I have never used this, but I have heard good reviews about this because it follows the FPGEE blueprint. So if anybody has used this please share what you think of the book.
I am a person who use book as my security blanket, thats why if I feel what I know is not sufficient enough I borrow books from the library. 10 years of not dealing with the basic pharmacy subjects is a long time, although I am a doctor our study is more on diagnosis and management, in contrast to making a drug work to be used for the diagnosis and treatment. I borrowed several books from the library like Easy Way books of different subject matters, Organic Chemistry, Anatomy, Physiology, and I also got an Immunology book. I bought a separate book for General Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Calculations. I am not saying this step is the right step to partake to be successful in the exam since everyone of us has a different study pattern and habits. I just want everyone to know that even if I am a doctor I still went through the same process as most of the test taker has gone through, back from scratch since I was not expose to the work field of a pharmacist. More or less if you are able to answer the 1000 question and answer from Manan Shroff(80%), it gives you an idea on how far you have gone to your study. Just don’t take the basic subjects for granted cause even if it doesn’t have the same bearing as the major subject has like those of the Phar Cal or Phar Chemistry, everything counts since we don’t know which questions are just being used for evaluation for the next exam.
Good Luck to Everyone who is Taking the test this June 28th!
hi! i’m ann. i graduated bs pharmacy last 2006. since i only have a 4 year curriculum, i am not qualified to take the fpgee since they require a 5 years course. is taking pharmd here in the phils qualify me for the said exam? do you know any options? thanks.
Hi, I am Sepede, my situation is like yours, I graduated in 2006 with only 4 year curriculm, I was wondering if you were able to take the FPGEE? if yes, please let me know what was the process?. thanks
Hi Ann! I am not that familiar with your situation although I heard cause one of those who attended the review with us took masteral in a university in Manila said she was rejected by NABP. I also heard that they offer a curriculum somewhere in Cebu maybe in San Carlos, I am not that sure but they said that this was acceptable. That person that I was referring to is currently completing some subjects here in USA so she can sit in for the next test. I would honestly suggest that you talked to persons who graduated after 2003 since they will be more knowlegable with regards to your situation.Sorry for the limited info.Hopefully when I get a chance to meet with the study group again, I will inquire about your case.
Hello! You are worry of having 4 year Pharmacy curriculum? Then come to Davao City . One Pharmacy School named: University of Immaculate Conception (UIC) is offering a 1-year Clinical Pharmacy, to add -on your 4 year BS Pharmacy Curriculum in order to qualify the FPGEE requirements.Hopefully, you can enroll for 2nd Semester or next school year.WELCOME to Davao City.
Hello there, I’m also in the same situatio, having graduated from a 4 year pharmacy course, Is the univeristy of Immaculate Conception a sure thing? Would it really qualify us to sit for the fpgee? Thanks any info would do
hi abby i found your site at testmagic.i really enjoyed reading your blogs.i took my fpgee last december 6 (just few days ago) in chicago. honestly, i had a hard time with it.
hi lanie my is ray. i have been trying to my paper done with nabp for along i seen to have missing some thing. u can never get a straight ans. i finish at in1999. i pay my due. still no luck. nabp is no help at all. what year did u finished
Thanks Lanie. I hope some info I shared will be of help to you. Actually when I took the test last year, I had a hard time too. All I can think of are the mistakes I made and the difficult questions I encountered. I was pessimistic at first but then I manage to keep my hopes up and expect for the best. Thank God! my prayers and hard work has been answered. Enjoy the holidays and keep hanging in there. God has wonderful plans for each of us
Stay positive!
hi, I’m tina…found your site at test magic.. I have been wanting to take FPGEE for a long time now,, but really worrying for a lot of things…I think I worry too much that i can’t decide what step should I take first…hope you could advice me.. By the way, I am located in the Philippines.
Hi Tina! Thanks for visiting our website. First of all I would like to know more things about you, like when you graduated? Are you willing to go through tremendous task for the sake of achieving whatever your goals are? What are your expectations?This would give me an idea of more or less what will be the best step to take, an advise as a colleague and not an expert :)Hope to hear from you soon.abby
I graduated last 1999. I know that it really takes a lot of hardwork and perseverance to passed FPGEE and I am willing to do that. I would like to work in the US and a pharmacist and taking and passing the FPGEE is one of the steps I should take to do it. Hope to hear from you again.. Thanks!
I graduated in 1997, then that means you don’t have to worry about the cut-off which is 2003 I think which needs some additional subjects for completion.There are several review class in Manila where you can enroll for some refresher of the pharma topics but if you are not at ease doing that then you can self-study just like what I did. Although I attended group study on saturdays for most of the week I studied by myself. It’s just that having a group also helps for some support and additional info that you may need.Another thing that is important to consider is Visa. It is a fact that just because you will be taking FPGEE you will be given a visa. There are some who may be lucky to get one but not everybody will be given due to this. If you will be able to take care of your visa first then that will be one less thing to worry and at least once you started studying you know for sure that you will be able to take the test.Once you get here and pass, you can then apply for sponsorship offered by some companies though you have to wait for 1-2 yrs I think. I am not so familiar with the whole process since I came with an immigrant status acquired by marriage. But maybe this forum might help you for some additional info Good luck to you. Happy Holidays!
Come and join us in our forum
hi abby i’m very happy to inform you that i passed the fpgee last december. although my score is not that impressive i’m so happy that i passed. I just want to share with you my happy news and for those who are planning to quit dont just keep on trying. the list that you gave on this website truly helps thank you very much.
luck u rlyn can u share how u got thru with your papers. did u hire a lawyer to process ur papaers. congru
So let me ask you this, would you recommend I pick one up just to use for traveling? I wouldn’t really use it when I’m home or at the office, since I have both PC and Mac desktops that are both great and I wouldn’t change at thing with either of them. I had an HP laptop 2 years ago and it crapped out on me so many times I gave it to charity.. They’re probably still cursing me.. lol The problem I had was with the monitors backlight or something like that they said, I had it repaired but it still had problems and was never the same. It blacked out in the middle of working that made me finally say.. “That’s it!”.So, now I’m going on vacation for 3 weeks in 5 days and I’m thinking if I should pick up a fairly cheap but reliable laptop for touching base at the office and replying to “urgent’ emails so I don’t come home to an inbox that’s a headache! :|Brenda~
I’m not too sure you would want to drag around a 17″ laptop on vacation, it’s pretty heavy. If you’re only going to use it for emails and surfing the internet and if you can get wifi access, I would recommend getting a netbook. I recently got one and blogged about it here It’s not a full blown laptop but if you are primarily looking for a device that will get you online, this is what you should get. I’ve had a very bad experience with an Acer laptop recently so I’m not sure how well their netbooks are. But Asus, Dell, HP, MSI are just some that make them. Other than that, if you have an iPhone or Blackberry – that should do the trick too unless you’re going to a place where you will incur roaming charges.Hope that helps.
Hi Abby its me again hope you’ve read my first comment. Anyways Ate your one a kind person such a nice person sharing your info. bout the FPGEE. Ate I would like to know where is that Pilipino organization or review in LA. Keep in touch ate. Hope you can help and also. I found your page at friendster. Hope you can add me up my email is I can’t add you up your on private. Thanks ate. I’d love to hear from you.
Hi, i I have completed Bachelors in Pharmacy in the year 2006 and Masters in Pharmacology from Mumbai University in the year 2008 in INDIA. Currently I am working as Clinical Research Assistant in Dept of Pharmacokinetics in INDIA. I want to work as Pharmacist in USA, but I know that before that I have to complete FPGEC certification of documents and also some education assessment agencies in USA which verifies documents and its grading according to USA system. After that I have to apply and clear FPGEE/TOEFL/NAPLEX/MPJE of respective state and after that applying for with 1500 hrs internship in retail/hospital or clinical settings. I have mailed FPGEE committee regarding this but haven’t found satisfactory reply and suggestions. I want to know actually the individual and total time for clearing all the exams. Have I to join the college again i.e I think if I want to work as pharmacist no need to join the college but if I want PharmD degree then I have to join the college and it is 2.5-3 years course. Also inform me about the fees for all exams completion and their due scheduled dates taken in year. Also would like to know that before getting license of respected state how can I work in pharmacy related area?Awaiting for suggestive and fruitful information.
First, have your credentials evaluated by ECE. As of this year I think the exam now for FPGEE has changed from paper to computer and the month it is given changed too. You can visit their site at for further information regarding the fee and schedule. Now regarding the eligibility honestly I have heard different stories, a colleague of mine who finished in 2005 completed Masters degree to be able to meet the FPGEE requirement. However, she was denied to seat in for the test and was advised to complete some more units here in USA, so it doesn’t matter whether you would want to work as a PharmD or pharmacist the key is they have to approve your credentials to seat in for the test. If you would like to get further info in terms of these experiences I suggest you browse through, this site has been helpful for those who would want to practice pharmacy here. Also, regarding your question about pharmacy related area, you can work as a pharmacy technician but you have to be a certified technician. I took their test and I think you will not have a problem passing this. This will be a good exposure while you wait for your certificate or while you wait to be employed as an intern. For the Pharmacy technician test their website is http://www.ptcb.orgHopefully this will help you. Good luck!
hi abby, Good day!I’m praying to God, asking help to guide me the ways of finding my dreams! I was surfing thru net about how to become a licensed pharmacist in texas and I KNOW GOD SHOWED ME THE WAY! my eyes caught attention on your blog! thank you so much, for the information you’ve share.. i know God make u as instrument to help those confused filipino pharmacist,like ME who wants to practise in US. by the way, I graduated in Southwestern University in Cebu last march 2001.. and Im here in Vancouver,Canada work as a caregiver.. but I really feel my calling of become a pharmacist but to tell you honesty, sometimes, I feel scared and depressed… but i want to try……. i just hope and pray that it will turn good for me! abby, can you advise me what will be the first steps im going to do? do you think im qualified to take FPGEE? thank you som much and hope to hear from you soon… god bless u and ur family!
Hi marie! I am glad that my blog has given some birds eye view of what you need or expect to take the FPGEE. I know how you feel I graduated as an MD and right now I am pursuing a path to be a pharmacist. Well its not that bad, its just that you studied and work hard for long time to be in a certain field and you end up being in another. Anyways, God know whats best for us so everything comes in His time. Now going back, the first step that you need to do is have your credentials be evaluated by ECE. By doing this you will know if you are eligible to seat in for the test. In my opinion,you are qualified since you graduated 2001 but of course i am not familiar with your schools curriculum so only ECE will be able to access you qualifications.Good luck to you. Don’t lose hope and be optimistic, always hope for the best and it will happen.
Hello All,Thank you for the review it is usefull to evaluate. I am looking for a notebook too and was interested in the HPDV9999. It certainly has an impressive hardware for casual users and at a good price.On a side note to Sherwin. Sherwin did the apple support guys clean the air filter on the machine, I am sure they did but if they did not then that would explain by changing the heat sink did not really help as the air flow is still blocked.It would be very surprising to know that as hardware gets older it heats up more, that would be the first time I have heard it.Anyway I just wanted to throw out this possibility.Thank you all.RegardsAsh
hi abby, sorry for late rply… i got so busy with my work lately.. but, thank you so much! u really an Angel to me.. anyway, i order a reference book today at pharmacy exam.. and to let you know, that there’s a 1 question on the where did you hear pharmacy exam? i answer it on ABBY’S AND WIN’S BLOG! thank you so much for your advise and courage.. god bless you!
Good luck to you Maricel! Hope you will keep us posted. I am happy that I could be of help.
Hello Abby,Thanks for all the wonderful blogs and comments you have on this website. In greater extent, you have helped a lot of foreign educated pharmacist (from PI) understood the process of FPGEE. I my self is from the Philippines and would like to try the FPGEE but i do have a specific situation i wanted to share with you and probably be able to help me understand the possibility of taking the FPGEE.I graduated in 1992 BS Pharmacy from the Philippines. Back then i am a Filipino citizen but NEVER took the local board exam because i started working overseas back in 1992. At present i am now a naturalized US Citizen and is now thinking of trying the FPGEE. Will i still be required to take the local board in the Philippines or i can apply using the alternative path? PRC told me that due to my present citizenship they will not allow me to sit for the exam but they can issue a letter that says that “i met all the requirements for BS Pharm” except that due to nationality i can’t be licensed in the Philippines.I will appreciate very much hearing your reply.Sincerely,
Hi Jerome, your case is quite complicated. I will try to read more about their policies or better yet if you are here in USA you can call NABP for clarification. I don’t want to give advise for something I am unsure of. I will get back to you once I run through some information.Thanks
Hi guys, i’m a fresh pharmd graduate from the philippines and i’m qualified to take the FPGEE this oct1, 2009. so for those who are graduates of a 4yr curriculum pharmacy course after 2003, you have a chance to sit for fpgee if you complete the additional 2yr pharmd program. You may check the newly revised qualifications of FPGEE applicants.
Thanks Toni! Hope this will give hope to those who graduated after 2003 who wants to seat in for FPGEE.Good luck to you!
hey i hav completed my and even additional one year from nirma university so i hav completed 5 years course curriculum which is require to be eligible for FPGEE exam now my question is…… is there any rule by ECE or NABP that one should have to have the clinical pharmacy subject in there four year curicullam to be eligible for fpgee however i had that subject in my 5th year so will i be eligible for EPGEE??
Hello everyone! I’m Clarise. I took up a 4-year pharmacy course and I graduated on March 2003. I passed the board exam on the same year. I really wanted to take the FPGEE. I then visited a review center in Manila because I heard that they were conducting an orientation every month. I was really excited to enroll for a review. Surprisingly, the speaker of the orientation announced the very frustrating news… that 2003 graduates are no longer qualified to sit for the FPGEE. I went home so disappointed that I didn’t want to hear any news regarding the FPGEE. I am currently employed as a company Pharmacist at a distribution firm. I worked here for 5 years already. I heared the news from a friend that some universities offer a 5 year curriculum in bs pharma. Do you have any information regarding this? I still hope that I’ll be qualified to take the FPGEE. I hope you could help me on this. Thank you very much abby!
Hi Clarise read on the blog somebody made a comment about those who graduated past 2003. In my opinion, it is still best to have ECE evaluate your credentials since they know best if you are qualified to seat in for the test.Good luck!
My son is currently taking a 4 year BS in Pharmacy degree in Saint Louis University in Baguio city. Since the FPGEE requires a 5 year degree or PHARMD, we are now looking into the next step. I saw a blog from pinoypharmacy regarding PHARMD in Centro Escolar University and that you can take the FPGEE. So our first thought was for him to transfer to CEU after he graduates the 4 year BS degree to take the additional 2 years to complete his PHARMD. My son met a guest speaker in their school giving information about schools and exams in the Philippines. During their discussion my son had mentioned his plan to transfer to CEU and the speaker told him that from what he knows, people who has gone to CEU and passed have tried to apply the FPGEE were turned down. He’s saying that the U.S. prefers a straight 5 year course transcript and don’t particularly like that of transfers. Can anyone confirm if this is true?
sorry for the late reply.As I have mentioned in my previous blog, I know somebody who took a 4 yr course in one of the university in manila then she heard that San Carlos College in cebu was offering a completion for the 5 yr course. She completed this but was denied to seat in for the FPGEE and was advised to get some units here in USA, which for information she said will cost around $18,000/sem. This does not mean that it will be the same for everybody, since I have been reading for those who graduated in another country even having graduated in the same university was sometimes denied. I honestly do not know the protocol but I am just basing this from what I heard from somebody I know. The reliability of what I read on some post from some websites is another story.In my opinion it will be the same whether you graduate from a straight course of 5 yrs or 4 course plus completion, what they will look up anyways will be the curriculum being similar to what is required here to practice pharmacy.Just to share to you too, I am working now as an intern in an independent pharmacy. Once in a while there are some foreign grad substitute in the store, They share their stories saying when they got here they had a hard time passing the FPGEE so then they decided to take up further units which took them another 3 yrs of study here in CA. From what they say the practice of pharmacy here is so different from their country. I personally feel the same way. Pharmacist here are called doctors, at first I was surprised when customers will call our pharmacist “doc”, they deserve the term since they do consult them like doctors. They know the management of disease and they are able to diagnose.Anyways, I hope someone can share their opinions too or better yet someone who graduated past 2003 and had seat in for the test.My regards to your family. Visit, there is a forum there for FPGEE test takers perhaps somebody maybe in the same situation as your son.Best of luck.
Abby, thank you very much for your reply. We’ll keep on researching on this issue to help my son decide on what would be the next step.
Hi Abby,I just wanted to share/update on my son’s quest to become a pharmacist here in the US. As I’ve mentioned in my original post, my son graduated from Saint Louis University with the degree of BS Pharmacy. He then continued his education in Centro Escolar University to complete his PharmD. After graduation, he compiled all the requirements needed and submitted them to NABP be able to take the FPGEE exams. I’m so happy to share that he took the exams last November and he found out today that he passed.
Congratulations to your son
Hi Abby,I would like to specifically answer Jerome G.’s inquiry on wether he will be allowed to sit for the FPGEE exam or not. In order for you to sit on the exam first you have to pass the licesure exam because the application will require you to enter the date when your license was issued etc. pls see note below:6. PHARMACIST LICENSE AND/ORREGISTRATION6 A. Was an unrestricted license required to practicepharmacy? Indicate whether or not an unrestrictedlicense was required to practice pharmacy in thecountry or jurisdiction where your pharmacy degreein item 5A was earned.6 B. Was an unrestricted registration required topractice pharmacy? Indicate whether or not anunrestricted registration was required to practicepharmacy in the country or jurisdiction where yourpharmacy degree in item 5A was earned.6 C. Date license was issued. Enter the month and yearin which your license to practice pharmacy wasissued as indicated in 6A.6 D. Date registration was issued. Enter the month andyear in which your registration to practice pharmacywas issued as indicated in 6B.NABP will evaluate this credentials while the ECE will evaluate your transcript from the University where you earned your Pharmacy Degree. So you need first to Passed the Licensure Exam for you to take the FPGEE.I would also like to share my experience in the FPGEE Exam last OCT 1, 2009. I am a 1992 BS Pharm graduate and got my License on that same year in the Philippines. From there on I worked as a Medical Rep till we migrated here in Illinois last 2005. I would just like to advise all the future FPGEE takers to be strong on the Basics like Chemistry and Physiology. Also know the different adverse effects of drugs.I will try to post more next timeGood Luck!Gabriel
Thanks Gabriel! This is exactly what I want, helping each other out. I really appreciate it, I’m sure that your information is valuable to whoever will run to our website. I will be forwarding your email to Jerome. Best of luck!
Hi Abby! Knowing that a lot of Filipinos have passed the FPGEE, really helps. I graduated Pharm in 1993 and went to dental school 2 yrs later. I did not really practice pharmacy so reviewing is not easy. But if your mind is really set on something, it’s not a problem. I’m planning on taking the April 2010 exam. I have all the books I need except for practice and management. Which would you recommend? I plan on buying Remington and Manan books, are they helpful? What about US healthcare? I’m not even familiar with that one. Please let me know. Thank you. and to Gabriel, thanks for the tip.
I know what you mean since I did not practice being a pharmacist too in Phil. For the management I have Manan, is it helpful…in a way it is but most of the question is common sense or more of scenario and what is the appropriate thing to do. Actually, I have no idea if my answers are correct, I feel that there are two other answers and I can justify why choose my answer best.I did not use Remington, if you have time and you will be more confident taking the test using this material then I think that will be best.Good luck to you.
hi abby! i am already a fpgec holder since last april 2008, i am here in the philippines and would like to look for an internship in the US. unfortunately, most of the companies like cvs, walgreens and walmart said that there is no opening yet. i read here that you will soon start your internship, are you on a working visa? would you know an agency that will help me and those on the same situation as with me regarding this, just like how nurses are being recruited?hope that you could reply on this. thank you very much.
Congrats to you. I came here(USA) with a green card since I was petitioned by my husband who is a US citizen. All I know are those companies that you mentioned gives sponsorship. You can go to their website and search under career opportunities. I know it may take awhile since there are a lot of applicant. I think it is worth the wait so just submit your applications to the big companies. Mostly retails companies offer this since they run a chain requiring more pharmacist unlike those of the hospitals which only need few pharmacist. So nurses have more offers since each hospitals needs lot of them per department.I am starting my internship with an independent pharmacy and I am doing this as a volunteer so I do not have an income. I am after the training and what can be learned. Although one of the major retail pharmacy made an offer with a pretty decent salary with sign-in bonus and relocation allowance, unfortunately the location is in central CA where the weather is hotter in summer and colder in winter. Another thing that made me decide to stay here in southern CA is that my husband is based in LA and he might not have job offering in the location being offered. Anyways I will be done by January so I am hoping for more opportunities. Hopefully the recession will be over.Best of luck to us.
Hello mga Kababayan,Thanks Abby for making this blog. Thanks Gabriel for your advices. I am here in Georgia, been here since 2006. I first took the FPGEE in December 2007 but failed it. I was so discouraged, I used CPR and Morris but I don’t think it helped me at all. Now I am trying to prepare for April 2010. I am using the blueprint as my guide on what to study, I am working in a local hospital here as Pharmacy Tech. and I have Pharmacist friends who let me borrowed their books. I will try again and hope to God I will pass it this time.I am looking for Pilipino Pharmacist here in GA who are willing to study with me. Who are preparing for FPGEE or maybe already preparing for NAPLEX. Please let me know if you are interested and we can meet once a week. email me at lizgoodroe@ bellsouth.netmany blessings,Liz
We may have bumped into each other coz I took the test in dec 07. Good luck to your exam, hopefully you find a study partner
Hi Abby. Thanks for putting up this wonderful site. I’m just curious about the friend that you’ve mentioned, the one who is not eligible to take the FPGEE. I am one of those who graduated after 2003. I had my transcript evaluated by ECE but never applied to NABP for the exam. I am sure, I’ll get denied so I didn’t want to waste the application fee which I think is non-refundable. Anyway, if you give me more info regarding your friend. Is she in school right now? Will she be eligible to sit for FPGEE eventually? I have been working as a Pharmacy Technician in a hospital here in the East Coast, and I feel that there’s nowhere else to go. I feel stuck and I don’t know what to do. I was wondering, maybe you know, since our equivalency here in the US is B.S. in Pharmaceutical Science, can we work as researchers? If you know somebody who is in the same boat, please let me know. I want to improve myself but I feel that doors are just closing on me. Sorry if I sound too dramatic. Frustrated, maybe. Anyway, thanks for your time, and again your website is awesome. Salamat at ingat.
Heey,Thankyou for sharing your experience,im sure it helps alot of people.Im planning to sit for april 2010 exam,i read something on ur blog,that you had your greencard prior to the exam,im in the same situation,what i would like to know is,after obtaining your FPGEC certificate,is it easier to get a post for intern for greencard holders? whats the procedure and just a rough estimate on how much do interns earn on hourly basis?Thanks
Hi Sakina!You very much welcome, I think it is an advantage having a green card since it is always being asked when you fill up the application forms. This will mean that less expense for the company since you need not need sponsorship. They have a different route for those who needs a working visa and the contract for them will be different since they have to comply with certain number of years longer than ours. As for how easy it is to find a job, with the recession it is still tough although there are jobs but you have to keep looking and if you are not picky then it will be easier. I did share my story regarding my internship, anyways I mentioned in the blog that one of the bid chain offered me a job somewhere in Central CA- sign on bonus $40k, $42/hr salary and relocation allowance. One of my friend accepted the offer from the same company last year( I was left behind since I got pregnant and stayed home for a year) with $30K sign on bonus and same salary.It may different in certain areas, higher salaries for those places in need of Pharmacist and of course around the LA areas or the big cities the pay will be less since a lot of interns are looking for jobs. I am not that sure how much they offer around LA. In one of the website, I read that for graduate interns the range of salary is $20-45 depending on the location. Since I am doing a volunteer internship I am not being paid at the moment. As I keep mentioning, at this point my priority is for me to complete my hours so I can take the NAPLEX thus I will have better opportunities (fingers-crossed) when I become a full-pledged pharmacist or doctor :)Keep me posted when you become an intern, hope you will share your internship experience as well.Best of luck.
I’ve read your blog which have been a great blessing to all FPGEE candidates. Best wishes on your Naplex come January 2010. God Bless on all your endeavors ! Take care…
Thanks for your kind words. Good luck to you too!
hi abby,im also an MD pharmacist, interested to sit for the FPGEE. Do you know when is their schedule for this year? thanks a lot. God Bless
Thanks for visiting our site. The next date is on April 19,2010. You can find out more helful information at their website http://www.nabp.netLet me know when you pass. Good luck!
hi abbyglad to visit your site and know the effort you have taken to get people together sharing their same stuff.i am stuck in the same issue “4 year degree after 2003”.although i am an african i graduated from india.there is a book answering all those questions i had difficulty getting it but others could be more lucky getting it the book name is “a reference quide to states’ specific requirements for the NAPLEX and FPGEE “. i hope who needs can get the answers from there if lucky enough to get the book.thanks
Thanks Abby,I posted, comment on May 17 2009 and u replied me on May 18 2009, i was found somewhat satisfied, but looking for more information.
Hi ate abby! i just graduated dis year.. and i’m planning to take pharm d.. will it be recognized by FPGEE? i’m worried dat if i pursue it i still can’t take FPGEE.. thanks
hi charrise, there are people who have the same concerns and if you read on my posts I have answered them. But to cut it short, I know they don’t recognize it base from someone I knew since they have her take completion course in here. You can read on the post so more or less you will have ideas on what I told them. Thanks.
Hi Abby,Congratulaions fr putting on this website. You caught my attention with regards to the inernship oppounity in Central CA. Is there a way for you to send me the contact details ? I am currentl doing my internship in a local Pharmacy in CA but I am interested to relocate in Central CA … I can gice you my contact details if you may…Thanks
I just submitted my application on their website and they contacted me through email and mail. I do not have a specific number for you to contact. Maybe you can do the same but it took like a month before I heard from them. But at least the made an offer
Best of luck to you.
Hi Abby. I have been approve to take the test for fpgee exam this coming september. What i would like to know is if taking the fpgee exam would be a valid reason to state in my interview at the american embassy here in the philippines… ive studied for quite sometime na but im really nervous about the whole interview thing.. (baka hindi ako maaprove) i would like to know also when should i go for the said interview and if there’s other things i could say to totally grant me that visa.. Thanks for providing such a wonderful website and hope to get a reply from you soon!! God Bless.
Hi Darlene! When it comes to embassy you know how they are it depends on the consul. Although I did not go through that process, some of my classmates went here on a tourist visa without them telling about the test. I am not quite sure if it is true but a classmate told me that it can be against you to mention it since your purpose is to find a job opportunity and not for travel. I just want to clarify that I am just telling you based on someone I knows’ experience. But I know even whether you say it not it really depends on the consul. God bless and best of luck.
Hi abby,thank you for great info, i would like to ask u what if i passed fpgee and failed in toefl?
You need to pass FPGEE and TOEFL to be an intern Pharmacist.
hi abby and darlene, share ko lang my experience with regards to getting a US visa. i have indicated in my application that my sole purpose is to sit for the FPGEE exam.i remember the consul asking some info on my job experience. the he also asked what are the proofs na talagang mag-eexam ako, then i showed him everything na pinadala ng NABP, especially yung last letter indicating the EE kung saan din naka indicate yung venue and date of the exam.also tinanong nya din kung gaano ako katagl dun tapos sabi ko 2 wks. kaya if i were you hintayin mo muna lahat ng docs na galing sa NABP para may enough proof ka sa consul.GodBless
Thanks for the info, hope this will help a lot of people who are seeking for answers I can’t provide. Don’t loose hope just keep on trying and practicing TOEFL. Be comfortable in answering each question specially in the speaking part, I know it is quite challenging. Best of luck.
hi abby nd darlene ! I m planning 2 give fpgee in aprik2011.. Can u tell me how much a person is paid hn hour after clearing fpgee nd not toefl… And during the internship what is the pay..? I m really worried about that.. Waiting for ur reply.. Thanx.. Bye 2 all
Hi, Abby! Good evening, It took me long hours searching for a good website / blogs to search on some tips.Good thing I found this page :)I am planning to take the exam this April 2011, I started reviewing last week, do you think my time is sufficient enough? I have my own Shargel na, and just googled the other books I need to borrow or buy.. I am currently working. Worst comes to worst baka mag resign na lang ako to focus on my review…kaso nanghihinayang naman ako..Hope to hear your thoughts..Rio
Hi Rio! It really depends on how focus you are in your stuudies. Some are good in cramming while others do better taking time. For the FPGEE, I studied for 4 months 5 days a week no less than 8 hours a day. Having finish all the test requirement, but I am waiting for my CPJE result to be cleared as well, I feel that the most difficult test is FPGEE. It is detailed and it has a lot of topics and basics that need to be known. NAPLEX is more of application of knowledge through patient profile while CPJE is clinical with law. If you cannot stick with your study schedules then it is better to make time and sacrifice work for FPGEE since you really have to choose which is more important. But as I say if you are a type who can handle cramming and can work and study at the same time then keep working. Personally speaking, I cannot do that, thats why I admire working students. Sorry for my late response I have been busy with NAPLEX which thank God I passed and now awaiting for CPJE.Best of luck!
Hello guys there is one state that will allow you to do your intern even if you didnt pass the TOEFL which you should do after.
u need to pass both 1st. i passes toel and tsc already i can not get my papers to get my fgee, napb is giving the run around. did any body hire a lawyer. ????? does any body know if u go back san carlos U. in cebu city and take the program for MS. do u think nabp with let me take the test???
hi abby and lala. I’m also planning to take the fpgee examination this October 2011 or might be this April 2012. I’m really confused on how many percent will I be granted in my tourist visa. I’m 22 years old turning 23 next year and single, is my age and status will affect the granting of my visa? Will I need to look for a job for some substantial documents? What proof I will show to them which will help me convince the consul that my purpose of going there is simply sitting on the said examination?@lala : if you don’t mind have you showed to them some assets that will really convince them of you coming back to the Philippines?Hope to have your replies, I’m really hoping I could pass the interview.
Sorry for the late response, I am enjoying my vacation now here in Phi. Anyway, I think Lala is the best person to answer that since she has gone through it. But IMO, you have to provide the consul enough evidence of ties to Philippines such as assets, work, etc which is a proof that you will be coming back home for these.
hello abby, i dont know how to contact u so i just decided to reply on this one.. im melany from the Philippines i recently move to US (Seattle WA), i graduated BS Pharmacy in 1999, passed the phil boards in 2000, im in the process of filling up my application and im having problems in how to answer the questions 6A ( was an unrestricted license required to practice pharmacy?) if it is yes or no and the other one is the 6B about was unrestricted registration required to practice pharmacy?, i looked it up on line and luckily your blog came my way. i would really appreciate it if u can help me answer this 2 question so i can forward my applications thanks a lot.and more power!
answer is yes, its just asking if the license given to you has any restrictions which is no. Our license is unrestricted then.Thanks for visiting our site. God bless.
thanks a lot, another question po. is the license and registration date the same? it is regarding the question 6C and 6D po ito pasencya na po and thanks!
so both our license and registration are unrestricted ? regarding 6C and 6D is license and registration issued the same date? thanks again!
by the way, I graduated last March 2009 from the University of San Carlos, Cebu City and took the 5th year curriculum that they have offered. I hope that the’re some facts about the VISA and the exam might as well. God bless ‘all
Merry, Merry Christmas and A Healthy New Year To All of You !!!
Hello,I have a B.S. in Public Health Science from a United States university. I am looking into pharmacy schools in the Philippines. Which Pharmacy schools will allow me into their program and receive a degree which I can use in the US? Is a bachelor degree sufficient or do I need pre-requisites to fulfill?
hello,any one can recomend which review center is the best for fpgee? thank you.
Hi Abby! I wandered into your blog by accident. I am also a FPG and have been licensed here in Florida since 1995. Wala kang recent na blog posts — how were your boards?
Thanks for visiting the site, I do have a lot more blog after the thread you came across with. I became an RPh since Nov last yr, I am still in a job hunting though, I got an offer from one of the big chain a few weeks back but I have to be a floater which made me decide to pass on it since my boss was telling me that they are planing to expand in an area closer to my home. Another call I got was this PM, from another retail chain store but I have to give them a call tomorrow to know more about the details It took a while before companies started to get hold of me. What field of pharma are you working right now?
hi abby! i find your blog really helpful. i’m planning to take the fpgee exam on april 2012. When would be the right time for me to apply or register for the april 2012 exam? thank you! hoping for your reply!
I want to share my experince with all of you.I am a foreign graduate with a 2 year diploma and a 4 year degree.I have applied for FPGEE in June 2006.I got the letter which states that I have qualified to take the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Equivalency Examination. In 2007, I got my score report showing that I got 97 scores and I have passed the exam. I submitted the TOEFL- IBT scores in june 2007. I recieved a letter which states that I don’t meet the requirements and i am ineligible for FPGEC Certification. Any suggestions on wht to do in this stressful situation/
hi abby I got my result on fpgee and the grade is 77 did i pass or not???is grade matter to continue my licensure procedure please advise me
Congrats you passed! I don’t think it does matter cause all they need when you apply is your certificate. Good luck.
Hello, Abby!I graduated 4 years of Pharmacy in the Philippines but I will be going to the US with an immigrant visa, if I take extra units, do you know how long it will take me in order to get a pharmD or at least be eligible to take the FPGEE? You mentioned about your friend who studied additional units to be qualified for the FPGEE. Can you tell me more about it?Many thanks!
hi rbp,I’m Faith I was also a graduate of a 4 year BS Pharmacy in the Philippines last year, and had been going back and forth here and the Philippines for my visa in order to finish my studies and take the board exam. October last year I migrated here, I wanted to take the fpgee and was disqualified as I was lacking with units. I decided to take a pharmacy technician by passing the board exam, but when I was about to apply for a position as a pharmtech from a Filipino pharmacy manager at Rite Aide she was considering me for a pharmacy intern. But to be a pharmacy intern I must past the fpgee and toefl. The friend of the pharmacy manager Tito Manny suggested me I go back to the Philippines to finish 1 year at a school in Davao (University of Immaculate Conception). This year I’ll be going back to the Philippines to take my clinical pharmacy there in order to be qualified here. Hope my information help.
Thanks a lot Faith, I’m sure this will be so helpful for those who wanted to pursue a pharm career here. Best of luck.
Hi faith, I’am interested about this program in UIC, Can u please tell me how it works? and did they allow u to sit for the FPGEE? Can u give me some info on how can I start?How about the tuition fee?
I apologize, I thought u already did it, as I double check the post, I didn’t realize that It is new. Anyways…I’am Interested to know about the process and When did u start? How was the experience?
hi alexnao… try calling UIC Clin Pharm Office and look for Cherry or Marvelee. Just surf the internet for the details. You can also send your CV plus TOR (very important) to Cherry Gasendo of UIC for the evaluation. Btw, UIC is accredited in NABP. No student who took the Clin Pharm program has been denied by the NABP to take FPGEE. You can ask UST students who took the course. Good luck!
Thank you for the info, this is very helpful. I have been asked about this program too many times at least now you shed light to those who are at lost for the steps to partake.
Hi Abby,I am a BS – Pharmacy graduate, Cebu Doctor’s University in the Philippines, i finished from 2006 – 2010, plus I passed the PRC pharmacy licensure exam. I am currently working in King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center., I know that I need to add a one year extra in order for me to take FPGEE, I just want to know what is your best advice…Thanks…
Hi, Bibo hoe you read I made a certain comment in bold since this is the same concern of those who graduate after 2004. Kindly browse on this thread. Thanks
Hi Abby, I am also an MD Pharmacist, I graduated 1995 as pharma & licensed the same year. While in practice I also enrolled in nursing & luckily passed California BON. Now I am waiting for my immigrant petition as a nurse & my employer said in 2 years time my priority date will be current. Right now I am also considering another option that when I get there I also want to practice pharmacy coz I know how hard it is working there all my life as a nurse.Sorry it’s a bit confusing since I’m into so many routes. But before going there I would like to review FPGEE. Hope you can help me prioritize what to review first and if you know a good review center where I can enroll. Thanks and God bless!
Hi there! In my opinion, it is best to focus on your weak areas. As for me this were the basic: pharmocology, phar cal, organic chem,etc. The drugs and disease will be easier since you are practicing in the medical field as well. I know they say Morris Cody is a good review center but it is expensive. It was $800 I think 5 years ago so I am not sure if they raise their price. Good luck.
Hi Ms Abby. Thank you very much for your reply & also for your help. You have put such a wonderful site ! Your blogs are very interesting . I know you are a busy person but still you find time to reply questions. Thanks again for your suggestions! God bless & good health to you & your family!Take care!
HiDid you do 4 year degree in pharmacy or 5 year degree in pharmacy from Philippines. Can you please provide me more info. I wonder if there is a way to do 5th year pharmacy degree for an internaltional student.Thanks,Satish A
I have a 4 yr degree. I made the post bold for those topics related to school in Philippines where you can study and complete the course so you can seat in for the test. Please browse to our blog, this is a common question for me so I made sure to highlight these post to help out people in the same predicament. Thanks
how i can see your blog about 4 years?
hi im graduated in 2006 and im in usa now i want to take fpgee and my bachelor is 4 years and icant come to philipin to study clinal pharmacy one year what i have to pleas help me?
hi abby, i only have ung CPR by shargel. shroff has a lot of volumes. pagnagtitipid ba, ano ung dapat bilhin dun? thanks. pre-med ko din ung pharmacy. tagal na… galing mo namn , you made it
hi there ! I’m an immigrant here in California and want to pursue a Pharmacy career. Graduated BS pharmacy back in 1995 Frankly , I don’t know where to start , i already sent my credentials to ECE for evaluations last week ( Nov 10 2012) . Is it advisable to send my FPGEC application as well schedule my TOEFL ibt exam.Your inputs are very much appreciated.many thanks …mae
@Mae – I am also from CA. I am planning to review for the fpgee exam. What books did u read? Pls respond to this message.
Hi! I would like to know how deep you should know your medicinal chemistry for the exam. For example, do you have to know and be able to recognize the pharmacophores? Thank you so much!
It has been awhile since I took the test but I did touch on that topic but just so to be familiar and not to the point of knowing it by heart.
Good day Ms. Abby!I just passed the board last June 2013. And i’m planning to take the FPGEE exam. Can I take it Maam eventhough i just graduated from a BS pharmacy degree? What are the requirements in order to take the exam?Thanks so much and God bless you more po!
are there any school here in US that provides 1 year of BS pharm for those who just graduated with 4 year course? thank you and im hoping for your kind reply..
I have up to date reviewers for fpgee. Just pAssed last Nov 2013. Six bks by Manan Shroff and Cds. Willing to sell for less than orig price of course. Pacita McGregor 110 Risley ave Mt Carmel Il I graduated fr UIC Davao City
@pacita, though we don’t usually allow this type of post on our blog, it could help someone. this blog has no relations to this posts nor the outcome of any transactions
Hello. Been reading a lot in this blog and i got a lot of help from my unanswered questions. I will be taking up Clin pharmacy at UIC davao and i hope i’d be able to meet their required grade at the end of the semester which is not below 85%. I just have a question.. I know the board of Pharmacy in the US accredits Univ. Of immaculate conception. I am just worried coz my previous school which is just new in offering bs pharmacy course and it’s not like those other universities that are really known and they have good reputation already. Would it be a problem when the time comes that i’m gonna have my papers evaluated for fpgee? Are they gonna accredit my school? I hope it will not be a problem coz anyway i am a licensed pharmacist.. i hope someone can enlighten me.. thanks much!