Yahoo! mail beta

Yahoo! Asia email accounts had the ability to try out the mail beta before US accounts did; and finally I get a chance. It reminds me of the Gmail interface and Mail on my OS X. You can use keyboard shortcuts to do different things (ie. delete button will delete the selected email, pressing the…

Google + Apple = YIPEE!

I’ve been hoping for this collaboration to happen and it finally did. Google is starting to embrace Apple OS X. If you visit you will find some applications that will run on your Mac. Apps like Google Earth, Google Notifier, etc. The story can be read here and here

Using mod_rewrite and permalinks on WordPress

I’ve always wondered how people made their links something like URL format. Well it’s the permalink option on WordPress. You will need mod_rewrite module for Apache as well. I don’t think it’s a module that preinstalled in Apache. So I got a hold of tech support for my host provider. They told me that…

Wowowee on WoW

I started playing World of Warcraft the other day. I had a $20 gift certificate at Best Buy and the game dropped down to that price so I decided to check it out. It’s been a couple of years since my last MMORPG game (Star Wars Galaxies) and I’m worried to start a new one…

New goodies from Apple

Today Apple released their new versions of the iPod. Nothing major. All got a higher capacity version, the Shuffle got smaller, and the Nano got new colors (no more white?). Here are some pics: iTunes also got an update to version 7. It has some nice new views. Since iTunes Music Store (ITMS) started to…

Fun buzz

After almost 2 months since my last haircut, I finally decided to cut my hair on Saturday before Steve and Aenoi’s baby shower. I took some pics while I was cutting my hair. Here they are… dooferimg039.jpgdooferimg040.jpgdooferimg041.jpgdooferimg042.jpg After taking the pics and having fun with different looks, I took of the guard and started to…