New upgrades for my Asus EEEPC 900A

After a few days with my netbook, I’ve decided to buy some upgrades to better my experience with it. Upgrade the 4GB SSD drive to 16GB ([Super Talent FPM16GHAE])( I could’ve bought a Runcorebut size was more of a concern than the speed. So far it’s been fine. I actually found someone on eBay selling…

Meet Sherwin Aedyn

12 hours after Abby’s water broke, we are blessed with a new son – born at 3:28pm and 4.8 lbs. I thought I knew how it would feel to be in this situation based on stories friends tell me and movies I’ve seen but the feeling is uncomparable, unpredictable, unbelieveable, and more amazing than I…

Abby is in labor

Abby woke me up this morning around 3:30am – her water broke. So I grabbed our bags and headed off to the hospital. So far everything looks normal according to the initial tests. We’re still waiting for the doctor to arrive. From what we know she is scheduled for a ceserean section in a few…