Leaving for my vacation
I’m gone for 2 weeks. Hope I can get some rest and relaxation. I’ll have internet connection but doubt I’ll use it. See you all in 2 weeks
I’m gone for 2 weeks. Hope I can get some rest and relaxation. I’ll have internet connection but doubt I’ll use it. See you all in 2 weeks
I just transferred this domain today and it’s in progress. Hopefully all will go well and no downtime. The last time I transferred domains out of Godaddy, it was a pain and took over a week. They really make it hard for you to leave, which is one of the reasons why I’m leaving them….
Hi everyone, it has been a while since I last blogged. It’s just a month to go then I will be completing my internship hours. I know that after passing the FPGEE and TOEFL this is another obstacle since the recession made it difficult for foreign grads to find internship position in the location most…
Christmas has come and gone and I am a year older. Unlike the Christmas I’ve celebrated in the past, it’s been 2 years in a row that I wasn’t in the Philippines. It such a different way of celebrating there. I feel it’s more festive and fun especially with Abby’s family. I just buy a…
I was gathering more things to bring for the interview. One of the things is the text messages on my phone. I’m on my third phone this year (Sidekick2, Nokia E70, and now Nokia N80). It was difficult to save text messages on Sidekick 2 – lack of memory and online interface lacked OS X…
Last week my Dad bought me the Family Guy Volume 5 exclusive DVD from Target. This week I noticed that disc 2 was scratched and unplayable on my DVD players. Unfortunately, my Dad threw the receipt away so I might have a problem exchanging it. But then I thought, well it’s a Target exclusive package,…
Last week Target had a great deal with the trade-in programming involving iPads. The value of iPads were increased to $200, even the 1st gen iPad. This was perfect timing as I was ready to get rid of my 1st gen iPad. My son uses it and it’s gotten so old that many of his…