I’ve been out-blogged

Wow! Ever since I showed Abby how to blog, she has out-blogged me. Now it’s my turn. As Abby mentioned we arrived last Wednesday. Finally! After spending almost 3 months in Philippines, I have discovered the truth and a new found perspective about my homeland. Sadly, it is not as good as I thought it…

Leaving for Manila

I’m just about to leave for LAX and fly to Manila. I’m very excited to see my wife. This whole process has been very hard. Imagine being married and not be together. Well the process is almost done. One last interview this coming Friday and we’re off to be normal husband and wife. I miss…

5 more days

and I will flying to manila to see my baby. Then we have our interview on March 2. I’ve been gathering things to bring evidence like receipts, emails, text messages, etc. This whole process has been long and stressful but alas, the end is near and we can be a “normal” couple – you know,…

Busy Bee

I’ve been so busy this past month. I’ve been working on multiple interfaces using Ajax and am trying to finish projects before I leave again. Oh, we received an interview date for Abby. It’ll be on March 2, 2007. This is why I have to finish projects. I’ll be taking off again for Manila on…