Aedyn is 2 months old today
Aedyn turned 2 months old today. He got his first shots this morning too. He’s growing fast. Here are some pictures I took today.

Sucks they don’t have any my size, I would’ve rocked them too.
Aedyn turned 2 months old today. He got his first shots this morning too. He’s growing fast. Here are some pictures I took today.
Sucks they don’t have any my size, I would’ve rocked them too.
I just got my first bill with our iPhone 3G and was surprised to find $260 for a week’s worth of use. So I called AT&T up so I can get an explanation of the bill. I was informed that I was charged for what I’ve used the initial month, plus next month’s bill, and…
Last week my Dad bought me the Family Guy Volume 5 exclusive DVD from Target. This week I noticed that disc 2 was scratched and unplayable on my DVD players. Unfortunately, my Dad threw the receipt away so I might have a problem exchanging it. But then I thought, well it’s a Target exclusive package,…
I’ve been taking the Metrolink to work for about a month now instead of driving. I’m tired of being stuck in traffic. So I decided to give it a try. Although it cost more in the beginning, I will be saving money in the long run. For instance, maintenance on the car will be less…
Hi everyone, Merry Christmas. I’m still here in PI. Hope everyone is having a happy holidays. Be safe, peace!
We are currently using Phanfare as our online photo gallery. They have been great for the 1+ years we’ve been with them. They have unlimited storage, allow full quality photos, we have access to the original files, and video uploads. Recently, they upgraded my account over to their new version 2.0. My biggest complaint is…
Wow! Ever since I showed Abby how to blog, she has out-blogged me. Now it’s my turn. As Abby mentioned we arrived last Wednesday. Finally! After spending almost 3 months in Philippines, I have discovered the truth and a new found perspective about my homeland. Sadly, it is not as good as I thought it…