Congrats to Caryl and Noel
6 new pics added to the gallery from the wedding
6 new pics added to the gallery from the wedding
Yup, heading back home again. I’m taking a flight tonight and spend Christmas with Abby. Still waiting on that interview date. I hope we here something next week. Anyways, everyone have a happy holidays. I’ll be popping in and out calling some of you – assuming there’s internet and/or electricity. You know how that goes…
This week started off rough. Right before I leave for work on Monday, we find out that one of Abby’s follow up check up isn’t going to be covered by our insurance. So she called them up as I left for work. As I was driving through Ontario Mills on the 10 westbound I hear…
On the way to work there was a black IS behind me. At first I thought it was either the 250 or 350 but the front grill looked different. So I let it pass me to get a better look to see if any other mods have been added. To my surprise all the badges…
I’ve been taking the Metrolink to work for about a month now instead of driving. I’m tired of being stuck in traffic. So I decided to give it a try. Although it cost more in the beginning, I will be saving money in the long run. For instance, maintenance on the car will be less…
Last week Target had a great deal with the trade-in programming involving iPads. The value of iPads were increased to $200, even the 1st gen iPad. This was perfect timing as I was ready to get rid of my 1st gen iPad. My son uses it and it’s gotten so old that many of his…
and I will flying to manila to see my baby. Then we have our interview on March 2. I’ve been gathering things to bring evidence like receipts, emails, text messages, etc. This whole process has been long and stressful but alas, the end is near and we can be a “normal” couple – you know,…