Switching out the stock heatsink
I have a computer that is running the Intel i5 2500K. All it does is it transcodes ripped movies. I originally had the stock heatsink fan that came with the CPU but Handbrake and X.264 uses up a lot of CPU resources that the fan kicks up and my temps get high. So I decided to get an aftermarket heatsink, the Hyper212. You can check it outmore upgrades to my i5 post.
It worked great. I was running at least 7°C cooler. But it was too loud – at least for my taste. I figured maybe if I put the stock heatsink back, it wouldn’t be as bad since it was quieter. Well, the temps got around 60-70°C with Handbrake running all my CPU. I didn’t like it and the fan, though quieter, was getting almost as loud as the Hyper212. I decided to just put the Hyper212 fan back since I was in the low 50s°C.
While switching, I decided to take some pics.

Here is the stock Intel heatsink fan before I removed it.

That’s the thermal grease on the heatsink and the CPU. You should clean it before switching fans even if you’re using the same grease. It’s only been a week since I swapped fans so it looks clean and new but I still want to remove it and put a new batch of grease in.

Here’s the spray I use to clean the grease off the fan and CPU. It works real well. Just make sure you do it where it’s well ventilated. The smell is strong and can be toxic. Try to limit contact on your skin as well and don’t forget to wash after using it. From what I’ve read, it’s safe for it to get it on the electronics if you happen to over spray.

Here is my CPU and stock fan, clean as new.

Now I placed a drop on the CPU.

I used the Hyper212 fan to “smoosh” the thermal grease around and spread it.
That’s about it. Just wanted to share just in case someone is curious.
Hi po I’m ana from CEU Manila., nabasa ko yung blog about sa FPGEE. Kasi 4th year na ako ngayon (BSPharm) plan ko mag take ng board exam.. Kelangan ba straight po to 6 years na? Kamusta na po pala? Natapos nyo po ba yung internship nyo? Thanks po. (sorry kung dto ako nag post, baka kasi di nyo na mabasa if duon) 🙂 Godbless
please don’t comment on a topic that’s irrelevant. no one is going to see what you’ve post. please post it in the other topic. i know there’s over 100 comments there but at least those that visit that page could see your comment and may help. abby has been very busy so she hasn’t replied back to the recent comments but others who have contributed do reply. i can’t answer your question so please ask it in the right blog post. thanks and good luck.
Out of all the CPU pastes/greases I’ve tried the one which worked the best for me was ALFA International’s ULTRATHERM 500 its a bit pricey because its diamond filled thermal grease but it gets the job done for sure!!! I’ve never seen anything like it I really like their thermal grease linke. I haven’t tried any of the non-silicone greases but when you look at the data sheets its pretty impressive…